We work hard to ensure your order makes it from our warehouse to your backyard quickly. Orders are submitted for processing as soon as you confirm them. Please be diligent in reviewing your cart, delivery, and payment information to ensure your order is correct, because once an order is placed, it cannot be modified.
To protect our customers and prevent fraud, we cannot modify placed orders. If there is a mistake with your order and you need to cancel, please contact Customer Service at 1-888-873-8071 immediately and we will work to stop your order from shipping. If an order is fulfilled prior to contact, please refer to our return policy.
Purchases made through or through Blackstone Customer Service that are unused and in their original packaging may be returned within 30 days of the original purchase date. Please include a copy of the invoice or packing slip in any returned product.
To initiate a return, please contact our Customer Service department at 1-888-873-8071 during our business hours (9AM to 4PM CST, Monday through Friday) to receive a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and return instructions. Refunds of the purchase price less a 15% restocking fee will be credited back to the purchaser credit or debit card within 10 business days of receiving the returned product.
Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. Any shipments sent collect on delivery will no be accepted. Please note that all product bundles on our website are sold as a complete unit, and partial returns will not be accepted.
We stand behind our products and hope that you love them as much as we do. If an order arrives damaged, incomplete, or defective, please register your product and visit our parts request form.